双语灵修 | 马太福音 16:21-23 牺牲

马太福音 16:21-23 从此,耶稣才指示门徒,他必须上耶路撒冷去,受长老、祭司长、文士许多的苦,并且被杀,第三日复活。 彼得就拉着他,劝他说:“主啊,万不可如此!这事必不临到你身上。” 耶稣转过来,对彼得说:“撒但,退我后边去吧!你是绊我脚的;因为你不体贴 神的意思,只体贴人的意思。”




祷告: 主耶稣, 感谢你赐予我们在这个国家的祝福, 这福份是那些为国家而战和牺牲的人用鲜血、汗水和泪水换来的。当我们看到墓地里满是我们的国家英雄时,我们就因你而充满喜乐,因为你的死是为了让我们从罪中释放出来,并胜过死亡和坟墓。奉主耶稣基督的名求。阿们!

Matthew 16:21-23: 21 From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life. 22 Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. “Never, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to you!”  23 Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”

We see the best of Peter and the worst of Peter in a few verses. Shortly before he had confessed Jesus to be the Christ, the Son of the living God. Now, when Jesus talks about his suffering and death in Jerusalem, he becomes Satan’s mouthpiece to tempt Jesus to give up his mission.

I am amazed at how clearly Jesus spoke of his death and resurrection. He knew what was going to happen. He knew it before it was going to happen, and yet he went through with it. I am reminded of a story I heard once about a teenage boy many years ago who volunteered to give blood to his brother, who had an accident. This was back in a day when the transfusion went from the donor’s arm to the victim. When it was over, he asked the doctor how long it would take before he would die.  You see, he thought he was going to give ALL of his blood to his brother, and still he went through with it.

Would you do it?  Would you give it all for your brother?  Maybe. Would you do it for a stranger, or even your enemy?  Hardly. Yet Jesus was not afraid to lay down his life for us. While we were still his enemies, he died for us.  On this Memorial Day weekend, we remember all those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. We should give thanks for their sacrifices. Take a moment to remember the one who gave his life for your eternal freedom as well.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, thank you for the blessings we have in this country, blessings that were paid for by the blood, sweat and tears of those who fought for our country and those who died for it. But when we see the cemeteries filled with our national heroes, we are filled with joy in you, who died to set us free from sin and won the victory even over death and the grave.  Amen.
