耶西树将临期儿童圣经故事 | 12月2日

The First Promise of the Savior

When God created Adam and Eve, he put them in the beautiful Garden of Eden, which was full of plants and animals. He told them: “You can eat the fruit from any tree, except the tree in the middle—the Treeofthe Knowledgeof Goodand Evil.”
One day, a snake started talking to Eve. It said, “Did God really tell you not to eat from any tree in the garden?” She answered, “We can eat from any tree except the one in the middle. We can’t even touch that tree, or God said we will die.”
有一天,一条蛇开始和夏娃说话。它说:“上帝真的告诉你,不可吃园中一切树上的果子吗?”夏娃回答说: “树上的果子我们都可以吃。惟有园子中间那棵树上的果子我们不能吃,我们甚至不能摸,否则上帝说我们会死的。”

That snake was really Satan! He wanted Eve to disobey God. He said, “You won’t die. If you eat from the tree in the middle, you’ll be just like God. You’ll know all about good and evil.” Eve thought the fruit looked tasty, so she took some and ate it. Then she gave some to Adam, and he ate it too. This was the first sin.
那条蛇就是撒旦!他想要夏娃违背上帝。他说:“你不会死的。如果你吃中间那棵树的果子,你就能像上 帝一样。你就能分辨善恶。”夏娃觉得那树的果子看起来很好吃,就摘了一些吃了。然后她又给了亚 当一些,亚当也吃了。这是第一个罪。
Later, Adam and Eve heard God walking in the garden. They were afraid, so they hid. God called out, “Where are you?” Then God asked, “Did you eat the fruit from the tree I told you not to eat from?” Adam said, “Yes, but that’s because Eve gave it to me.” Eve said, “Yes, but that’s because the snake tricked me.”
后来,亚当和夏娃听见上帝在园中行走。他们害怕了,就躲了起来。上帝呼唤道:“你在哪里?”上帝又 问:“难道你吃了我吩咐你不可吃的那树上的果子吗??”亚当说:“是的,但那是因为夏娃把果子给了 我。”夏娃说:“是的,但那是因为蛇引诱了我。”
Now Godhadtopunish Adamand Eve. Theyhadtoleavethegarden, whichwastheir home, and from now on, they would always have pain and trouble in their lives. God also

punished the snake. He told the snake, “You are cursed! From now on, you’ll always crawl on your belly. And one day, one of Eve’s great-great-great . . . grandchildren will crush you completely!”
现在上帝不得不惩罚亚当和夏娃。他们不得不离开伊甸园——他们的家。并且从现在开始,他们的 生活中将永远有痛苦和烦恼。上帝也惩罚了蛇。他对蛇说:“你被诅咒了!从今以后,你要永远用肚子 爬行。将来有一天,夏娃的曾曾曾…孙子们会把你彻底打败的!”

Do you know who would one day crush Satan? Jesus!
This is God’s first promise of the Savior.
你知道有一天谁会打败撒旦吗?耶稣! 这就是上帝赐予的第一个关于救主的应许。

As I hang the SERPENT on the JESSE TREE, Here is an Advent promise for me:
当我把这条蛇挂上耶西树, 我会收到这个将临期的应许:
God promised Adam and Eve to send a Savior.
That Savior is Jesus, and he crushed Satan!




