将临期灵修 | 12月4日


Professor Theodore Klug作/ MLC出版 / Jack译

出埃及记 13:21-22

几个月前,我借了父母的车来用。在车里找东西过程中,我发现了一个布满灰尘的旧地图,我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。遗憾的是,我们现在已经不再用地图了,取而代之的是GPS导航系统,我们的手机会用声音告诉我们每一步的行程,每一次转弯, 带领我们到达终点。


今天引领着你生活的是什么?你是否像我一样,让上帝话语的导航图遗落在生活的角落里布满灰尘。很多时候,尤其是在圣诞将临期间, 我们很容易去追随这个世界来自物质的导航音。我祈求上帝在这样的状况时原谅我们。


所以,朋友们,拂去这张“旧地图”上的灰尘——不是你父母车箱里的 ,而是你书架上的那本圣经,或者是你手机上的圣经软件。 深深地沉浸在他的话语中,让它提醒你那条通向天堂的清晰的、唯一的路径——耶稣。邀请你在这个将临期以及未来的日子里打开这张“地图”。


The Glory of the Lord Guided the Israelites

By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night. Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people. Exodus 13:21-22

I borrowed my parents’ vehicle a few months ago. While digging for a pen, I couldn’t believe my eyes. There, in all of its dusty glory, was a roadmap. It’s kind of sad that we don’t typically use these anymore. Instead, our GPS speaks to us about each and every step, recalculating every turn, leading us to our final destination.

The children of Israel didn’t have a GPS voice and satellite tracking to guide them. Instead, they had the glory of the Lord himself in a visual way, guiding their every footstep, by day and by night. We are numb to headlights and streetlights. The children of Israel likely marveled each day at the light that emanated from the pillar of fire. No matter the time of day, they knew they were moving in the right direction toward the home God had prepared for them.

What’s leading your life today? If you’re anything like me, this living and active roadmap of God’s Word sometimes gets dusty in life’s glove compartment. So often, especially during this Advent season, we’re tempted to venture off to follow the materialistic voices of this world. I ask for forgiveness for the many times this happens.

So what can we do? Does your faith life need recalculating like mine? Advent is all about preparing for Christ. During Advent, you’ll see lights on trees, houses, and sometimes even ugly sweaters. It’s a great reminder that our Light has not “left his place in front of the people.” This light shines brightly in Scripture, where we see that Jesus has removed all the obstacles and lit up the pathway to heaven. By his life, death, and resurrection, he’s done it all for us.

So, friends, dust off that roadmap! Not the one in your parent’s glovebox, but the one on your bookshelf or in your Bible app. Dive into the Word, which reminds you of the clear path to heaven found in Christ alone. Open your map this Advent season and beyond.

Lord, lead me this Advent season to daily recalculate my life through regular reading of your Word. I trust in you to bring me home. Amen.
