将临期灵修 | 12月6日


Rev. Philip Schroeder作/ MLC出版 / Jack译

出埃及记 24:15-17

大火吞噬了山岭,烟雾迷漫了十几里。火势持续了多日,数百万人在恐惧中看着这一切。这是2007年我在圣地亚哥时铭记于心的童年场景。山火照亮了夜空,数百万亩的土地和家园被大火吞噬,从高速路上就能看到远处凶残的火光。毁灭、绝望和死亡是当时新闻和广播上反复不断出现的词。 对于一个年幼的孩子来说,这场火灾是一个持久惊魂的记忆。

在出埃及记中我们看到了一个极为相似的画面,西奈上熊熊烈火 。上帝以奇妙的方式将以色列人带出埃及,现在他们正在前往应许之地。 上帝让他们在西奈山稍作停留,在这里上帝将与他的子民建立盟约。此刻,摩西要登上这座山,被耶和华的荣耀遮盖。在以色列人眼中,神的荣耀看起来就像一团灼烧的烈火。


这个盟约让以色列民族与众民不同,将有一位更伟大的中间人在这个民族诞生。摩西和百姓们亲眼看见耶和华的荣耀通过烈火展现,但最终有一天, 以色列献祭中频繁出现的烈火形象将会被取代,更能彰显上帝荣耀的中间人将会以肉体显现。一切吞噬我们的罪将会被放在他的身上,耶稣基督——我们的中保,他将代替我们完全遵守摩西的律法,一切的毁灭、绝望和死亡都会成为历史。他的献祭和荣耀将会遮盖我们所有的罪。 新的约将为我们坚立, 这是一个存到永远的礼物。神的荣耀将照亮我们的新生命。我们的老我将被烈火殆尽,我们将带着心中新生的火焰在这个将临期传扬上帝的福音。


The Glory of the Lord Covered Mount Sinai

When Moses went up on the mountain, the cloud covered it, and the glory of the Lord settled on Mount Sinai. For six days the cloud covered the mountain, and on the seventh day the Lord called to Moses from within the cloud. To the Israelites the glory of the Lord looked like a consuming fire on top of the mountain. Exodus 24:15-17

Fires consumed the hills and mountainsides. Smoke traveled for miles. It lasted for days. Millions looked on in fear. This is the scene of my childhood in San Diego in 2007. Wildfires that lit up the night sky could be seen from the highways as millions of acres of land and homes were consumed by fire. Destruction, devastation, and death were the words repeated on the radio and news channels. These fires were an amazing sight for a young child, a lasting memory.

We find a similar mountainside scene in Exodus. The Israelites were led out of Egypt in fantastic fashion and were now journeying to their promised land. The Lord had them stop at Mount Sinai. This is where he would establish his covenant with his people. Moses was now to come
up this mountain covered by the glory of the Lord. To the Israelites, the glory looked like a consuming fire.

In this fire, the Lord was confirming his covenant with Moses, the great mediator for his people. Israel was to obey all the laws he gave through this mediator, Moses. If they didn’t, sacrifice
was necessary.

This covenant set Israel apart so that a greater mediator would come through
them. Moses and the people saw the consuming fire of the glory of the Lord, but one day, the full and frequent use of this glory would be set aside. The greater mediator would take on human flesh. Our all-consuming sin would be placed on him. Jesus, our mediator, would
fulfill the covenant given to Moses so that destruction, devastation, and death would be done. His necessary sacrifice and his glory covered over all our sins. The new covenant is confirmed for us, an everlasting gift. The glory of the Lord now shines in our new hearts. We are consumed by the fire and zeal to spread that message this Advent season.

Dear heavenly Father, we praise you for your glory. We give thanks for your mighty acts. Defend us from the sin that tries to consume our lives. Give us faith that is consumed by your glory, your love, and your Word. Amen.
