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一起读经 | 马太福音 13:22-23




马太福音13章22节 世上的思虑把道挤住

马太福音 13:22 撒在荆棘里的,就是人听了道,后来有世上的思虑、钱财的迷惑把道挤住了,不能结实。


我看到现在的孩子非常繁忙的参加各种特长和兴趣班,以至于你想知道他们在这些活动之外是否还有真正的生活。这成了令他们沉迷和执着的事情。或许这仅仅只是他们父母所沉迷和执着的事情。如果你无法在一些特长上取得成功呢? 如果你没有因为特长而被好的学校录取呢?如果这已经成为你考虑的最多的事情,那么撒旦已经让你陷入了绝望之中,甚至可能会使你丧失了对上帝的信心。


耶稣把它称为钱财的迷惑 。无论是你在公司里成功晋升,还是你在运动中取得傲人成绩,潜在的谎言是,如果你成功了,你到达了顶峰,你就会很快乐。但是,当你到达顶端时,唯一的方向就是向下。但事实是,我们只有通过对主耶稣的信心,才能带给我们带来盼望和未来。



Matthew 13:22:22 The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but ess of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful.

If you’ve ever planted a garden, you know how quickly weeds can spring up and crowd out the good plants which you have planted. Small carrot seeds are overwhelmed by quack grass and thistles. Jesus uses that picture to demonstrate how the Word of God can come into a person’s heart only to have faith quickly overwhelmed “by the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth.”

  I see children growing up today with such busy sports schedules that you wonder if they have a real life outside of sports. It becomes their obsession. Or maybe it is really their parents’ obsession. And if you don’t make the team?  If you never get recruited by a good college? If that has become the thing that you think about the most, then Satan has set you up for despair.

Or it may be an adult who makes his or her business the most important thing in life. The laptop comes out after dinner to answer some emails or read some reports to get ahead of tomorrow’s work. Long hours at the office leaves a person drained and almost brain dead by the end of the day. There is not enough room in a person’s heart for faith in Jesus and love for the wealth of this world.

And Jesus calls it the “deceitfulness” of wealth. Whether it is climbing the company ladder or being successful in your sport, the underlying lie is that if you make it to the top, you will be happy. Except, when you get to the top, the only direction is down. Only Jesus can offer us a hope and a future through faith in him.

If a simple life gives me more time with my Savior, then that’s the life for me. I find that it’s something I have to remind myself constantly. Look at your schedule for this week.  Where can you simplify and leave more room for Jesus and his Word?

Prayer:  Dear Jesus, I pray that the focus of my life will begin and end with you! Life is better when I leave the cares and worries of this world behind and find my joy and strength in you.  When my life becomes too crowded for you, then help me to say “no”  to the worries of this world instead of saying “no” to you. I ask this in your name.  Amen.


马太福音 13:23  撒在好地上的,就是人听道明白了,后来结实,有一百倍的,有六十倍的,有三十倍的。





Matthew 13:23 But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”

  After moving back to Wisconsin from southern Minnesota, I can appreciate the difficult that farmers have here to prepare their soil. The clay is hard to work when it is dry and impossible when it is wet. In the area of Minnesota where I lived, you could have two inches of rain on day, and if you had a little sun and wind the next day, you could work your fields. Instead of 8 inches of topsoil, there was four feet of topsoil. It was some of the best ground in the world.

But if you have a heart that is receptive to the Word of God, the good soil that Jesus is talking about, it is not because you were born with that kind of heart. You were just as stubborn and resisting as anyone else. The Holy Spirit worked hard to prepare the soil of your heart so that you would receive it with joy and believe. He continues to work in your heart as well, so that as you grow in the Word, you become even more receptive to it.  There was probably a time in your life when God’s Word wasn’t so important in your life. Maybe you rarely found time for it. But now, if you have continued in his Word, you could not live without it.

If you love the Word of God today, be thankful for that. And if you know someone who does not, reach out to them and encourage them. Take them to Bible class. Have a cup of coffee with them once a week and mentor them in their Christian life. If God has blessed you with a heart that listens to the Word, then you will also be a blessing to others. 

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, thank you for sending me your Holy Spirit, who has worked so faithfully worked in my heart to prepare it for your Word. I know that it is not my thinking or choosing, but only your grace that has worked in me. I pray that your Word will have free course throughout the world to work in hearts everywhere to bring them to faith in you. Amen.
