一起读经 | 希伯来书 2:16-18 那曾受试探的体恤帮助我们




大祭司被神拣选并不是要在神的百姓之上,而是要在百姓之中。大祭司站在上帝和百姓之间:一方面藉着献祭为百姓带来上帝的赦免, 另一方面将百姓的祷告带给上帝。因为他凡事与百姓相同,所以就能理解他们,体会他们的弱点。耶稣成为我们的大祭司,并为百姓所有的罪一次献上挽回祭。也正因为他凡事与我们相同(除了他是没有罪的),他才能体会我们的弱点。




 Hebrews 2: 17 For this reason he had to be made like them, fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people. 18 Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.      

The high priest was not chosen to be above his people, but was chosen from among his people.  The high priest stood between God and his people as he brought God’s forgiveness to his people through the sacrifices and as he brought the prayers of his people to God. Because he was like them, he could understand them and sympathize with their weaknesses.  Jesus became our great High Priest, the one who made a one time for all sin atonement for his people. And because he became like us in every way (except without sin), he can sympathize with our weaknesses.

         He suffered when he was tempted. Think of the wilderness experience. Satan didn’t come to him when he was well fed, but when he was hungry. He came to tempt Jesus when he was weak and when he was alone. You often hear people say, “You just don’t know what it is like to …”   You can fill in the blank. Of course, everyone is unique in their temptation and in their suffering. No two people suffer the exact circumstances in their lives. But at the same time, we share the human experience and we DO understand how hard it can be to say “no” to sin.

         Jesus shared are human experience and he knows what it is like to be tempted and what it is like to suffer and how hard it is to say “no” to sin. And that’s why he is able to help you in our temptations, especially because he succeeded where we have failed! So go to Jesus when you are tempted!

Prayer:  Dear Jesus, every day Satan is tempting me, and some days he is tempting me more than others. Teach me to take my troubles and my temptations to you in prayer, even in the little problems and temptations of life. And when I am sorely tempted, be my strength and my shield! And when I have failed, then pick me up and restore me with the good news of your forgiveness.  Amen.
