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一起读经 | 希伯来书 11:23 因着信把孩子交在神手中










Hebrews 11: 23 By faith Moses’ parents hid him for three months after he was born, because they saw he was no ordinary child, and they were not afraid of the king’s edict.

       The righteous live by faith, and Moses’ parents were no exception. They hid him so that that the Pharaoh’s men could not put this child to death. Then, when it was no longer possible to hide him, Moses’ mother placed him in the river and into God’s hands. We know the rest of the story. The Hebrew child raised in Pharaoh’s household becomes the leader of God’s people.

         Christian parents live by faith as they bring their children in to this world. We bring a child into this world, wondering how we can possibly provide for one more mouth to feed. Then two, then three, and four (and five and six!). But we live by the faith that God will provide.

We bring up our children in a world of sin and evil and misery. But our prayers ascend to God’s throne every day for everyone of them. We know that God’s holy angels watch over them. We entrust them to our loving God and Savior, who is present everywhere to protect his children.

Then we send them off to college and to make their way in the world. But we have planted the seed of God’s Word deeply in their hearts, like Moses mother, whose words of instruction stayed with Moses all those years in Pharaoh’s house. We are confident that the Holy Spirit can use what we taught them to keep them faithful. And of course, we keep praying.  And should they wander off the path for a while, we pray all the harder.   Like Moses’ mother and father, righteous parents live by faith every day. 

Prayer:   Father, dear Father, you have kept me on my journey of faith, though I am a sheep that likes to wander.  Thank you for Christian parents who planted the Word deeply in my heart. I pray for my children and grandchildren today.  Keep them true to you. Give them a love for your Word. I ask this in your name. Amen.
