双语灵修 | 马太福音 15:29-31

马太福音:15:29-31: 29 耶稣离开那地方,来到靠近加利利的海边,就上山坐下。30有许多人到他那里,带着瘸子、瞎子、哑巴、有残疾的和好些别的病人,都放在他脚前,他就治好了他们。31甚至众人都希奇,因为看见哑巴说话,残疾的痊癒,瘸子行走,瞎子看见,他们就归荣耀给以色列的 神





Matthew 15:29-31:  29 Jesus left there and went along the Sea of Galilee. Then he went up on a mountainside and sat down. 30 Great crowds came to him, bringing the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute and many others, and laid them at his feet; and he healed them. 31 The people were amazed when they saw the mute speaking, the crippled made well, the lame walking and the blind seeing. And they praised the God of Israel.

       Jesus is again teaching and healing near the Sea of Galilee on a mountainside. He chose these places well. He pulled the crowds away from the cities and the distractions of their everyday lives. There were no markets to distract them and no chores at home which would call them away. It was Jesus the crowds and Jesus.

       Where do you go to see Jesus and sit at his feet? It’s good to be aware of your surroundings so that you are not distracted. Close the office door and keep the television and the computer off. Or if you do your study on the computer, make sure there are no email alerts or other distractions. Sometimes the best is just a chair in the corner of the house somewhere, where you keep your Bible and perhaps a pad of paper to take notes on your reading.

       Another kind of retreat with Jesus is your favorite Bible class. If you don’t attend one, then make it a point to do so. You become familiar with the people in the class. You can discuss points of Scripture with them and share personal experiences. Christianity was never meant to be a solo experience. Being surrounded by God’s people is important. The people on the mountain shared their joy and amazement with each other as they praised the God of Israel.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, teach me to give you both quality and quantity time in my devotional life. Time spent with you is the most important time of all. When I am tempted to hurry, slow me down. When I am being distracted, take me away from the busy world so that I can be with you.  I ask this in your name. Amen.
