一起读经 | 希伯来书 11:11-12 赐下应许的那一位是可信的








Hebrews 11: 11 And by faith even Sarah, who was past childbearing age, was enabled to bear children because she considered him faithful who had made the promise. 12 And so from this one man, and he as good as dead, came descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sand on the seashore.

        Sometimes we forget about Sarah. Her’s was not a perfect faith, but neither was Abraham’s. She suggested to Abraham that they raise a child through her servant, Hagar. She put a woman in Abraham’s bed, and he didn’t say no. She laughed when God said she would have a child in one year when she was so old, she had all but given up hope. And yet, she did believe that somehow, someway her faithful God would keep his promise.

Faith is not something we arrive it. It is Something that God is growing in us every day. We look at Abraham and Sarah and see such a wonder faith. But read the whole story and you will see a faith that God was building and growing. Six times he appeared to Abraham with a promise so that he had something to believe in.  When we read the story of Abraham, do not see a man with an enormous faith. Rather, see an enormously great and merciful and patient God, a God in whom Abraham and Sarah could believe. “She considered him faithful who had made the promise.”  The word “considered” means that she looked at God and found him more than worthy of her faith.

So don’t look at your faith, as if you can quantify it, or as if you have graduated and arrived at becoming a person of faith. Look instead at the God who came into the world, died for your sins, rose again on the third day, and ascended into heaven. Consider him. Look at him. Stand in awe of him.  And believe! Prayer:   Lord God almighty, Creator of all, I look at all that you have made and surely you are worthy of my faith! I look at your great saving acts, that you sent your Son to come and redeem me, and how can I not put my faith in one who is faithful beyond measure. Lord, I do believe. Help me overcome my doubts and my unbelief, so that I may live by faith!  Amen. 
