双语灵修 | 马太福音 20:24-28

马太福音 20:24-28 那十个门徒听见,就恼怒他们弟兄二人。 耶稣叫了他们来,说:“你们知道外邦人有君王为主治理他们,有大臣操权管束他们。 只是在你们中间,不可这样;你们中间谁愿为大,就必作你们的用人; 谁愿为首,就必作你们的仆人。 正如人子来,不是要受人的服侍,乃是要服侍人,并且要舍命,作多人的赎价。”

如果你在谷歌上搜索“仆人领导力”,你会发现聪明而成功的商界领袖的各种名言,他们说仆人心态很重要。Facebook的马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)这样说:“组织的存在是为了服务。句号。领导者活着就是为了服务。句号。“唯一的区别是,当商界领袖告诉你,你必须是一个仆人才能领导时,他们是在说,“如果你想成功,你就必须成为一个仆人-领导者。”换句话说,动机仍然是想要成为第一名。


所以,做一个仆人式领导,不是因为你想要成功,让自己看起来很好,而是因为你想要让你周围的人成功。做你丈夫或妻子的仆人,做你孩子的仆人,做老板或员工的仆人。倒空你自己,这样它们才能被填满。这样做是因为耶稣已经把他的形象刻印在你身上,这样你就可以在他的国度里服事了。 祷告:主耶稣,感谢你使自己成为仆人,并为我们舍命作赎价。你把我们从世俗的野心中释放出来,使我们可以在你的国度里做一个仆人。求你天天使我的心意更新,好叫我们在你的国度里服事你和我们的邻舍。奉主耶稣基督的名求!阿们。

Matthew 20: 24-28: When the ten heard about this, they were indignant with the two brothers. 25 Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. 26 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 27 and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— 28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

If you google “servant leadership,” you will find all kinds of quotes from smart and successful business leaders who say that a servant mindset is important.  Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) said this: “Organizations exist to serve. Period. Leaders live to serve. Period.” The only difference is that when business leaders tell you that you have to be a servant to lead, they are saying, “If you want to be successful, you have to be a servant-leader.” In other words, the motivation is still wanting to be first.

Jesus didn’t come to serve because he wanted to be the King. Jesus was the King of kings, the Lord of lords. When he came to earth, he emptied himself and became one of us. He set his divine glory aside so that he could become our servant. In Philippians 2, Paul says he took the form of a servant and humbled himself, even to death on a cross. He did this so that he could make us kings and priests in his kingdom.

 So be a servant-leader, but not because you want to be successful and make yourself look good, but because you want those around you to succeed. Be a servant to your husband or wife. Be a servant to your children. Be a servant to your boss or to your employees. Empty yourself so that they can be filled. Do it because Jesus has stamped his image on you so that you can serve in his upside down kingdom.

 Prayer:  Lord Jesus, thank you for making yourself a servant and giving your life a ransom for me. You have freed me from worldly ambitions so that I can become a servant in your kingdom. Renew my heart every day so that I might serve you and my neighbor in your kingdom.  Amen.
